159 research outputs found

    Generalized bootstrap for estimating equations

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    We introduce a generalized bootstrap technique for estimators obtained by solving estimating equations. Some special cases of this generalized bootstrap are the classical bootstrap of Efron, the delete-d jackknife and variations of the Bayesian bootstrap. The use of the proposed technique is discussed in some examples. Distributional consistency of the method is established and an asymptotic representation of the resampling variance estimator is obtained.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053604000000904 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Bulk behaviour of Schur-Hadamard products of symmetric random matrices

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    We develop a general method for establishing the existence of the Limiting Spectral Distributions (LSD) of Schur-Hadamard products of independent symmetric patterned random matrices. We apply this method to show that the LSDs of Schur-Hadamard products of some common patterned matrices exist and identify the limits. In particular, the Schur-Hadamard product of independent Toeplitz and Hankel matrices has the semi-circular LSD. We also prove an invariance theorem that may be used to find the LSD in many examples.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure; to appear, Random Matrices: Theory and Applications. This is the final version, incorporating referee comment

    A Dynamic Mechanism and Surplus Extraction Under Ambiguity

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    In the standard independent private values (IPV)model, each bidder’s beliefs about the values of any other bidder is represented by a unique prior. In this paper we relax this assumption and study the question of auction design in an IPV setting characterized by ambiguity: bidders have an imprecise knowledge of the distribution of values of others, and are faced with a set of priors. We also assume that their preferences exhibit ambiguity aversion; in particular, they are represented by the epsilon-contamination model. We show that a simple variation of a discrete Dutch auction can extract almost all surplus. This contrasts with optimal auctions under IPV without ambiguity as well as with optimal static auctions with ambiguity - in all of these, types other than the lowest participating type obtain a positive surplus. An important point of departure is that the modified Dutch mechanism we consider is dynamic rather than static, establishing that under ambiguity aversion – even when the setting is IPV in all other respects – a dynamic mechanism can have additional bite over its static counterparts.Ambiguity Aversion; Epsilon Contamination; Modified Dutch Auction; Dynamic Mechanism; Surplus Extraction

    Bulk behaviour of skew-symmetric patterned random matrices

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    Limiting Spectral Distributions (LSD) of real symmetric patterned matrices have been well-studied. In this article, we consider skew-symmetric/anti-symmetric patterned random matrices and establish the LSDs of several common matrices. For the skew-symmetric Wigner, skew-symmetric Toeplitz and the skew-symmetric Circulant, the LSDs (on the imaginary axis) are the same as those in the symmetric cases. For the skew-symmetric Hankel and the skew-symmetric Reverse Circulant however, we obtain new LSDs. We also show the existence of the LSDs for the triangular versions of these matrices. We then introduce a related modification of the symmetric matrices by changing the sign of the lower triangle part of the matrices. In this case, the modified Wigner, modified Hankel and the modified Reverse Circulants have the same LSDs as their usual symmetric counterparts while new LSDs are obtained for the modified Toeplitz and the modified Symmetric Circulant.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Multicolor urn models with reducible replacement matrices

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    Consider the multicolored urn model where, after every draw, balls of the different colors are added to the urn in a proportion determined by a given stochastic replacement matrix. We consider some special replacement matrices which are not irreducible. For three- and four-color urns, we derive the asymptotic behavior of linear combinations of the number of balls. In particular, we show that certain linear combinations of the balls of different colors have limiting distributions which are variance mixtures of normal distributions. We also obtain almost sure limits in certain cases in contrast to the corresponding irreducible cases, where only weak limits are known.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/08-BEJ150 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm
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